@4 |Project Information:| provides a summary of all documents, and indicates totals for the project. * * * * |Color Table:| if the color table is different than the standard default color table, this message appears. * |Document Name:| indicates the name of this document. You can cycle through all open documents- see |Next Document| button. |Project File Size:| shows the expected total size, in K Bytes (1K Byte = 1024 bytes), for all documents. |Project Objects:| shows the total objects within all documents. |Document File Size:| shows the expected file size in K Bytes (1K Byte = 1024 bytes) for this document. |Document Objects:| shows the total objects within this document. |Document Name:| this box shows the name of the document. |Next Document:| this button (active when more than one document is open) allows you to cycle through all documents. |Project Total:| the following two lines provide the totals for all documents. |File Size in K Bytes:| this line shows the total number of 1KB file blocks (1K=1024 bytes) that are required to save the file to disk. The actual amount of disk space required may vary depending upon how storage is actually allocated on the disk. |Number of Objects:| this line shows the number of objects, including group objects, and each individual object within a group. #5 |Project Name:| shows the name of the project, which is also the name of the project file. If no project is open, then the entry shows "Untitled Project". #2 * |Number of Documents:| indicates total number of open documents. @1